Minutes of the 1989 Business Meeting of the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS)

Prepared by: Kent Bloom, Secretary

October 17, 1989

Copy Typing by Tim Illingworth

September 14, 2000


Ratified: Item 3. Add the following to Article IV, Section 6: Newly elected members take their seats, and the term of office ends for appointed and elected members whose terms expire that year, at the end of the Business Meeting.

Adopted and passed on to ConFiction for ratification:

Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution, Article III, Section 6, to add
(4) "If ‘None of the Above’ shall win on the first ballot, then no NASFiC shall be held and all voting fees shall be refunded."

Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution by replacing the last sentence with:
Each Worldcon Committee shall submit an annual financial report, including a statement of income and expenses, to each WSFS Business Meeting after the Committee’s selection. Each Worldcon Committee shall submit a report on its cumulative surplus/loss to the next Business Meeting after its Worldcon. In the event of a surplus, subsequent annual financial reports regarding the disbursement of said Worldcon surpluses shall be filed at each year’s business meeting by the Worldcon Committee, or any alternative organizational entity established to oversee and disburse those surpluses, until the surpluses are totally expended or an amount equal to the original surplus has been disbursed.

Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding the following to Article II, Section 18, sentence 1, following the words "each member of either the administering or the immediately preceding Worldcon": as of December 31 of the previous calendar year.

Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding the following to Article I, Section 5 by replacing "This fee must not exceed the minimum voting fee" at the beginning of sentence number 4 and inserting in their place "This fee must not exceed 2 (two) times the voting fee".


Preliminary Business Session

The Preliminary Business Meeting of the World Science Fiction Society for 1989 was called to order by Donald E Eastlake, III, Chair, at 9:38 am on Friday, September 1st, 1989. The Chairman introduced the podium staff. The meeting officers are: Deputy Chair: Bruce E Pelz, Secretary: Kent Bloom, Timekeeper: Rick Katze, and Sergeant-at-Arms: Theresa E Renner.

The Chair made some brief procedural announcements and explained that Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised) would govern the proceedings.

The first item of business was to set time limits for debate on business passed on from Nolacon for ratification.


Item 1: MOVED, to substitute the following for Article I, Section 4: The Membership of WSFS shall consist of all persons for whom timely payment of membership dues has been made to any Worldcon. Membership under this provision may be resigned. Only natural persons who hold attending memberships in the current Worldcon have the right to attend or vote at the Business Meeting at said Worldcon.

MOVED, to substitute "member of the administering Worldcon" and "members of the administering Worldcon" for "WSFS member" and "WSFS members" in Articles II and III.

A time limit of 2 minutes was adopted for Item 1.

Item 2: MOVED, to add the following to Article III, Section 6, Sentence 1: unless the North American region which would be skipped was skipped in its last turn in the rotation.

A time limit of 15 minutes was adopted for Item 2. A motion was elicited to permit the chair to read a letter from an Australian fan regarding this item. The motion was defeated.

Item 3. MOVED, to add the following to Article IV, Section 6: Newly elected members take their seats, and the term of office ends for appointed and elected members whose terms expire that year, at the end of the Business Meeting.

A time limit of 2 minutes was adopted for Item 3.

The report of the Mark Registration and Protection Committee was received and distributed. The financial report was postponed until Saturday’s session.

Nominations were received for a three-year term on the Mark Registration and Protection Committee. Fran Skene, Tim Illingworth, Bruce Pelz, Martin Hoare, Craig Miller and Bruce Farr were nominated. (Note: written acceptances were received by the close of the meeting for each of the above-named nominees.)

The report of the Special Committee to Codify Business Meeting Resolutions was postponed until the Saturday meeting.

The report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Solving the Problem was received. The motion, contained in the report, to create an Editorial Committee to compile and edit a Worldcon procedures guide was adopted. Leslie Turek declined to serve on the committee. It was moved to replace Leslie Turek with Kees van Toorn, and to allow the committee to select its own chairman. The motion was adopted. It was moved to substitute the judgement of the editorial committee as to what study committee(s), if any, are to be created and who should serve on them, with the committee motion serving as an advisory resolution. This substitute motion was adopted.

Financial reports were received from MCFI (for Noreascon Three) and from ConFiction.

The body then took up setting debate times (and other procedural activity) for business newly submitted at Noreascon Three.

Item 8, Short Title: Hugo for Outstanding Service.
MOVED, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding a new section after Fan Hugos in Article II as follows:
Outstanding Service. Any person, of small group of four people or less, whose efforts or activities in the previous calendar year materially benefited the enjoyment or appreciation of science fiction, fantasy or related subjects.
This award shall not be given for any work eligible for a literary, dramatic or artistic Hugo (Sections 2 through 13), for the contribution, granting or raising of funds, or for service as the Chair or Co-Chair of the Worldcon or NASFiC in that year. However, it may be given for work in a lesser position at the Worldcon or NASFiC.
Submitted by Robert E Sacks, Bradford Verter, R C Cantor, Marie Bartlett-Sloan, Leslie Jennermann, "Rick" Foss, Janice Foss, Kees Van Toorn, and Thom S Schaad

A 6 minute time limit was adopted for Item 8.

Item 9, Short Title: Separation of the NASFiC from the WSFS Constitution
Whereas the presence of the North American Science Fiction Convention or NASFiC in the WSFS Constitution is a source of controversy, and
Whereas no other local, regional, national or continental convention is regulated in the WSFS Constitution,
Therefore, be it resolved,
To amend the WSFS Constitution by adding a new section to Article IV:

Upon the adoption and ratification of a separate set of governing documents for the NASFiC, all references to the North American Science Fiction Convention or NASFiC shall be removed from the WSFS Constitution and the NASFiC mark shall be transferred to the new organization. The governing documents shall be adopted by any Business Meeting for a NASFiC or Worldcon in North America, and ratified by a Business Meeting for the next NASFiC or the next Worldcon in North America.
Submitted by Robert E Sacks, Bradford Verter, Todd Dashoff, Larry Van Der Putte, Scott Dennis, Jane Dennis, Tom Coveney, Alan Rachlin, "Rick" Foss, Janice Foss, Michael Walsh, Kees Van Toorn, and Victoria A Smith.

A 15 minute time limit was adopted for Item 9.


Item 10, Short Title: New Hugo Category (Ineligible Materials)
Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding a new section in Article II as follows:
Ineligible Materials. A book, story, dramatic presentation, or anything else that is otherwise ineligible for a Hugo in that year.
Submitted by Anthony Lewis and David A Cantor.

An objection to the consideration of Item 10 was raised. The objection was sustained and the item was removed from the agenda.

Item 11, Short Title: Advanced Program Participant Requirement
Resolved, That there be a listing by the last progress report of those professionals scheduled, or tentatively scheduled to participate on any panel, meeting, luncheon, dinner, book reading, book autographing, or displaying their work (be it literature, art, or scientific display). Also any professional or scientist known by the committee who is planning on attending that Worldcon or NASFiC. Of course that listing is noted to be tentative and subject to change.
Moved by: Stephen R Landan, D.M.D

An objection to the consideration of Item 11 was raised. The objection was sustained and the item was removed from the agenda.


Item 12, Short Title: Additional Financial Reporting
Change Section 8 of Article 1 to require:
- submission of a financial report on the last year’s Worldcon profit/loss at the next year’s business meeting (vice the ‘one or two year’ language currently in the constitution.)
- submission of subsequent annual financial reports dealing with the disbursement of said Worldcon’s profits at each year’s business meeting by the Worldcon committee, or any alternative organizational entity established to oversee and disburse those profits, until the profits are totally expended or an amount equal to the original profit has been disbursed.
Moved by: Tom Schaad

A motion to amend Item 12 to change "profit" to "surplus" throughout was made and seconded. The amendment carried. A 5 minute time limit was adopted for Item 12.

Item 13, Short Title: Membership Cut-Off for Hugo Nominating.
Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding the following to Article II, Section 18, sentence 1, following the words "each member of either the administering or the immediately preceding Worldcon": as of December 31 of the previous calendar year.

An objection to the consideration of Item 13 was raised. The objection failed. A 10 minute time limit was adopted for Item 13.

Item 14, Short Title: Non-Fiction Hugo Technical Correction Amendment.
To amend Article II, Section 6 of the WSFS Constitution by adding the words "science or natural philosophy or" before the words "science fiction".
Moved by: Robert Sacks

An objection to the consideration of Item 14 was raised. The objection failed. It was moved and seconded to remove the words "Technical Correction" from the short title. The motion carried. Bruce Pelz replaced Donald Eastlake as chairman. A 6 minute time limit was adopted for Item 14.

Item 15, Short Title: Modification of Best Professional Artist Hugo Award
Moved: Delete Article II, Section 9 and replace with the following sections:
Section 9: Best Book Cover: An illustration used as a cover on a Science Fiction or Fantasy novel, anthology, or collection.
Section 10: Best Magazine Cover: An illustration used as a cover of a professional magazine as defined in Article II, Section 8.
Section 11: Best Interior Illustration: An illustration from the interior of any Science Fiction or Fantasy novel, anthology, or collection, or a professional magazine as defined in Article II, Section 8.
Moved by: Benjamin R Schilling

An objection to the consideration of Item 15 was raised. The objection failed 44 to 28, a two-thirds majority being lacking. A 10 minute time limit was adopted for Item 15.

Item 16, Short Title: Split Hugo Award for Best Novel
Moved, To amend Article II, Section Two (Hugo Awards) Best Novel, to split the novel category into a) Best Science Fiction Novel and b) Best Fantasy Novel.
Moved by: C M Barkley and Richard Brandt

An objection to the consideration of Item 16 was raised. The objection was sustained and the item was removed from the agenda.

Item 17, Short Title: Extending Lead Time for Site Selection and Allowing Cancellation of NASFiC
Moved: to amend Article III of the WSFS Constitution as follows:
In Section 1, change "three(3)" to "four(4)".
In Section 6, change "the then-current Worldcon" to "the Worldcon following the one at which the overseas Worldcon was selected", and add (4) "If ‘None of the Above’ shall win on the first ballot, then no NASFiC shall be held and all voting fees shall be refunded."
In Section 8, change "three(3)" to "four(4)".
Moved by: Louis Epstein

The short title was corrected to include the word "Worldcon" before "Site Selection". An objection to the consideration of Item 17 was made. The motion failed. It was moved to add "The 1991 Worldcon will administer the 1994 and 1995 site selections.". A motion was made to amend the motion to change 1991 to 1992. The amendment failed. The motion carried. A 20 minute time limit was adopted for Item 17.

Item 18, Short Title: Commonwealth Zone
Moved: To modify the WSFS constitution to:
1. Change the rotation by adding a fourth zone, the "Commonwealth" zone; consisting of all British Commonwealth countries outside North America where English is the primary language.
2. Worldcon sites in the Commonwealth zone shall rotate between the northern and southern hemispheres.
3. During the years the Worldcon is being held at a site in the Commonwealth zone, the Nasfic will be held in any one of the North American zones.
4. This motion will take effect with the 1997 Worldcon with the rotation changing to 1997: Commonwealth (south), 1998: Central, 1999: East, 2000: West, 2001: Commonwealth (north), 2002: Central, and so on.
5. If a site in the Commonwealth zone wins a bid for a year before 1997 then the rotation change shall take effect four years after said year with the Commonwealth zone taking it’s place in rotation before the North American zone which would normally have been the location of the Worldcon that year.

Motivation: In the last two decades worldcons have frequently been held outside North America (27 percent). Since 1970 the locations have been:
Outside North America Inside North America
(1970) - Germany
4 years (1971-1974)
(1975) - Australia
3 years (1976-1978)
(1979) – Great Britain
5 years (1980-1984)
(1985) - Australia
1 year (1986)
(1987) – Great Britain
2 years (1988-1989)
(1990) - Holland
2 years at least…

Worldcon planning is difficult and required lots of advance work. It is made more difficult if the locations change and zones lose a con due to it being shifted outside North America

Since the voters seem to be voting in a con outside North America about a quarter of the time (mostly in Britain or America), it makes sense to codify it to make the constitution match established voting practice.

Moved: Skip Morris. Seconded: Bill Canton, Dale Farmer

An objection to the consideration of Item 18 was raised. The objection was sustained and the item was removed from the agenda.

Item 19, Short Title: Membership and Site Selection Fees.
Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution as follows:
In Article III, Section 1, substitute "fifteen US dollars ($15.00)" for the current "twenty US dollars ($20.00)" in sentence number two (2).
In Article I, Section 5, strike the words "This fee must not exceed the minimum voting fee" at the beginning of sentence number 4 and insert in place thereof "This fee must not exceed three (3) times the voting fee".
In Article I, Section 5, sentence number 6, following "…become supporting members for no more than…" strike the words "125% of the site selection fee, or such higher amount as has been approved by the Business Meeting" and insert in place thereof "the site selection fee".

An objection to the consideration of Item 19 was raised. The objection failed. It was moved to divide part 1 from parts 2 and three. The motion failed. It was moved to divide parts 1 and 2 from part 3. The motion carried. A 10 minute time limit was set for parts 1 and 2 of Item 19 (now 19A). A 6 minute time limit was set for part 3 of Item 19 (now 19B).

Item 20, Short Title: Hugo Preservation Study Committee
Moved: That a committee be appointed to investigate the feasibility of preserving awarded Hugos for posterity. The committee shall consist of 9 members, who shall be Bruce Pelz (Chair), one each to be appointed by the 1989-1992 Worldcons, and 4 members to be appointed by the Chair of the committee. The report shall be presented at the 1990 Worldcon.
Moved by: Bruce E Pelz

A motion was made to replace the word "Hugos" with the words "Hugo Trophies" in Item 20. The motion carried many to 1.

Donald Eastlake replaced Bruce Pelz as Chair. A motion to commend the Deputy Chair for his performance was adopted unanimously. The meeting was adjourned until 9:30 am Saturday, September 2nd, 1989.


Main Business Meeting Saturday, September 2 1989 Session

The first main business session of the Business Meeting of the World Science Fiction Society for 1989 was called to order by Donald E Eastlake, III, Chair, at 9:35 am on Saturday, September 2nd, 1989.

The first order of business taken up was Item 1 on the Agenda. After short debate, a vote was taken, and the ratification failed, with 25 ayes and 44 nays.

Item 2 on the agenda was then taken up. It was moved to postpone consideration until Item 17 on the agenda was decided. It was moved as a substitute to amend the agenda to permit immediate consideration of Item 17. The substitution carried and the motion to amend the agenda was adopted.

Item 17 on the agenda was then taken up. It was moved to divide the NASFiC section from the portions respecting lead time for Worldcon site selection. It was further moved to divide only the section which provides that if "None of the Above" wins a NASFiC vote, the NASFiC is cancelled that year from the other pieces. This division carried, resulting in Items 17A -- Changing the Worldcon site selection lead time to 4 years, 17B -- changing the NASFiC site selection lead time to one year less than the Worldcon site selection lead time, and 17C -- Cancelling the NASFiC if "None of the Above" prevails in NASFiC site selection voting.

There was considerable debate over Item 17A. A show of hands was taken, and Item 17A failed, with 63 ayes and 65 nays.

A motion for leave to withdraw Item 17B was carried on a voice vote.

After limited debate, the question was called and carried on Item 17C. Item 17C carried by voice vote, and will be passed on to ConFiction for ratification.

Debate then resumed on Item 2 from the agenda. It was moved to amend by changing "last turn" to "last two turns". After some discussion, the amendment was defeated on a voice vote. Debate returned to ratification. A voice vote was taken, and ratification was defeated overwhelmingly.

Item 3 on the agenda was taken up. There was no discussion. A voice vote was held. There being no one in the negative, ratification was carried unanimously. The item will be added to the WSFS Constitution.

Item 4 on the agenda was then taken up. It was moved to substitute a Nolacon financial report and postpone the Mark Registration and Protection Committee report until tomorrow. This was adopted without objection. The Nolacon financial report, as read by the Chair, is as follows:

Cash on Hand: $ 16,400

Tangible Assets: $ 1,500

Outstanding Debts: $ 1,000

Outstanding Collectibles: $ 1,200

Approximate yet to be reimbursed: $ 12,000

Total Income: $238,000

Balloting was conducted for election to the Mark Registration and Protection Committee.

Item 5 on the agenda was taken up. The report of the committee was submitted and accepted. The motion to continue the committee was adopted.

Item 7 on the agenda was included in Item 5.

Item 8 on the agenda was taken up. There was no discussion. The motion was defeated on a voice vote.

Item 9 on the agenda was taken up. After considerable discussion, the question was called and adopted. the motion was defeated, with 42 ayes and 65 nays.

Item 12 on the agenda was taken up. The Chair ruled that the motion does not apply to Worldcon held before the amendment goes into effect. After some discussion, the motion was adopted on a voice vote, and will be passed on to ConFiction for ratification. A request was received that the motion be reworded into a constitutional amendment, and the Chair directed that this be done and reported back at the next session.

A motion was received from Gay Feldbaum et al. and set down as Item 21 on the agenda.

Item 13 on the agenda was taken up. Lew Wolkoff moved to amend to add "vote as of the date of mailing of the final ballot". The question was called and adopted on the amendment. The amendment failed on a voice vote. The question was then called and adopted on the motion. By a vote of 58 aye to 43 nay, the motion was adopted and will be passed on to ConFiction for ratification.

Item 14 was then taken up. After some discussion, Bruce Pelz moved to amend the motion to read "science or natural philosophy or … ". This motion was ruled frivolous. The ruling was appealed. The Chair was sustained by a voice vote. Ben Yalow moved to substitute deletion of the category "Best Non-Fiction Book" from the Hugo Awards. After discussion, the amendment was defeated by voice vote. Time having expired, the motion was defeated by a voice vote.

Item 15 was then taken up. After some discussion, Bruce Pelz moved to amend by substituting a category "Best Science Fiction Art Work", There was considerable discussion on the amendment. The amendment carried on a voice vote. A motion to postpone further debate until tomorrow was carried.

A motion to adjourn until tomorrow was carried. The meeting was adjourned until 9:30 am on Sunday, September 3, 1989.



Main Business Meeting Sunday, September 3 1989 Session

The second main business session of the Business Meeting of the World Science Fiction Society for 1989 was called to order by Donald E Eastlake, III, Chair, at 9:40 am on Sunday, September 3rd, 1989.

The results of the site selection election for the 1992 Worldcon were announced. Orlando (Magicon) was declared the winner. A presentation was made and the Magicon committee answered questions.

Item 4A on the agenda was taken up. The financial report of the Mark Registration and Protection Committee was received.

Item 4B on the agenda was taken up. The report of the tellers for the election for the Mark Registration and Protection Committee was received. Bruce Pelz, Fran Skene and Tim Illingworth were declared elected to terms ending in 1992.

Item 7 on the agenda was then taken up. A report from Conspiracy was distributed. Ross Pavlac, a member of the Chicon V committee, reported that it is solvent and its finances are in its progress report. Questions for ConFiction were received and answered.

Item 15 on the agenda was taken up. After discussion, it was moved to substitute a resolution requesting a future Worldcon choose to do this as a special Hugo. After considerable discussion, the substitute was adopted by a voice vote. The resolution was then adopted.

Item 19A on the agenda was taken up. It was moved to strike the first sentence of the motion and substitute 1 and one-half time for three times. A division of this amendment was requested and granted. There was considerable debate over the voting fee. Time for debate expired. It was moved, seconded and carried to extend time by two minutes. Various amounts were suggested for the voting fee, $25, $15, and $15 was adopted. A voice vote was held on the motion as amended and the motion failed. A motion was made to amend one and one-half to 2. A blank was declared, and 3, 2, 1.5 and 1.37 were suggested. A motion to replace the multiplier with a fixed amount not to exceed $40 was ruled out of order. The question was called on the blank. With no objection, a vote was held, and 2 times was selected as the multiplier. A substitute was moved to change the default maximum conversion fee to $40 subject to agreement of the bidders and the administering committee, and to require that the conversion fee be announced with the voting fee. After some debate, a voice vote was held and the nays appeared to carry. A division was called, and the substitute failed, with 26 ayes and 37 nays. Time expired for debate on the motion. The amendment was adopted by voice vote and will be passed on to ConFiction for ratification.

Item 19B on the agenda was taken up. After some debate, the question was called and adopted. The motion failed on a voice vote.

It was moved and seconded to amend the agenda to allow introduction of a new "Test Hugo" category determined by the Business Meeting. The motion failed.

Item 21 on the agenda was taken up. Genny Dazzo was incorrectly listed as a mover and was removed from the list of movers. All movers of the motion, plus Robert Sacks, were appointed to the committee.

A motion was made and adopted to commend the podium staff.

A presentation for San Francisco in 1993 was made by Sue Stone.

A presentation for Phoenix in 1993 was made by Terry Gish.

No presentation for Zagreb in 1993 was received.

The meeting was adjourned, sine die, at 11:15 am.



Respectfully Submitted,

Kent Bloom, secretary.

World Science Fiction Society

Preliminary Business Meeting Agenda

Friday, 31 August 1989

Podium Staff: Chair: Donald E Eastlake, III

Deputy Chair: Bruce E Pelz

Secretary: Kent Bloom

Timekeeper: Rick Katze

1.-3. Setting of time limits and preliminary consideration of items 1-3 as listed in the Noreascon Three Souvenir Book

4.A Report of the Mark Registration and Protection Committee
The main WSFS marks have been registered in the Netherlands. It appears that prior to 1992, marks must be registered in each country separately. After 1992, no one seems to understand exactly what the situation will be.
Registration of the marks in Britain is in progress.
The committee is investigating registration in Canada.
The committee plans to submit the financial part of its report to the Saturday session of the Business Meeting.
/s/ Donald E Eastlake, III, Secretary

4.B Nominations for election to the Mark Registration and Protection Committee.

5. Report of the Special Committee to Codify Business Meeting Resolutions
The committee plans to submit its report to the Saturday session of the Business Meeting.

6. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Solving the Problem
See report as distributed.

7. Financial and other reports from recent and upcoming Worldcons:
Conspiracy, Nolacon II, Noreascon Three, ConFiction, and Chicon V.

8. New Item 1, Short Title: Hugo for Outstanding Service.
MOVED, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding a new section after Fan Hugos in Article II as follows:
Outstanding Service. Any person, of small group of four people or less, whose efforts or activities in the previous calendar year materially benefited the enjoyment or appreciation of science fiction, fantasy or related subjects.
This award shall not be given for any work eligible for a literary, dramatic or artistic Hugo (Sections 2 through 13), for the contribution, granting or raising of funds, or for service as the Chair or Co-Chair of the Worldcon or NASFiC in that year. However, it may be given for work in a lesser position at the Worldcon or NASFiC.
Submitted by Robert E Sacks, Bradford Verter, R C Cantor, Marie Bartlett-Sloan, Leslie Jennermann, "Rick" Foss, Janice Foss, Kees Van Toorn, and Thom S Schaad

9. New Item 2, Short Title: Separation of the NASFiC from the WSFS Constitution
Whereas the presence of the North American Science Fiction Convention or NASFiC in the WSFS Constitution is a source of controversy, and
Whereas no other local, regional, national or continental convention is regulated in the WSFS Constitution,
Therefore, be it resolved,
To amend the WSFS Constitution by adding a new section to Article IV:

Upon the adoption and ratification of a separate set of governing documents for the NASFiC, all references to the North American Science Fiction Convention or NASFiC shall be removed from the WSFS Constitution and the NASFiC mark shall be transferred to the new organization. The governing documents shall be adopted by any Business Meeting for a NASFiC or Worldcon in North America, and ratified by a Business Meeting for the next NASFiC or the next Worldcon in North America.
Submitted by Robert E Sacks, Bradford Verter, Todd Dashoff, Larry Van Der Putte, Scott Dennis, Jane Dennis, Tom Coveney, Alan Rachlin, "Rick" Foss, Janice Foss, Michael Walsh, Kees Van Toorn, and Victoria A Smith.

10. New Item 3, Short Title: New Hugo Category (Ineligible Materials)
Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding a new section in Article II as follows:
Ineligible Materials. A book, story, dramatic presentation, or anything else that is otherwise ineligible for a Hugo in that year.
Submitted by Anthony Lewis and David A Cantor.

11. Short Title: Advanced Program Participant Requirement
Resolved, That there be a listing by the last progress report of those professionals scheduled, or tentatively scheduled to participate on any panel, meeting, luncheon, dinner, book reading, book autographing, or displaying their work (be it literature, art, or scientific display). Also any professional or scientist known by the committee who is planning on attending that Worldcon or NASFiC. Of course that listing is noted to be tentative and subject to change.
Moved by: Stephen R Landan, D.M.D

12. Short Title: Additional Financial Reporting
Change Section 8 of Article 1 to require:
- submission of a financial report on the last year’s Worldcon profit/loss at the next year’s business meeting (vice the ‘one or two year’ language currently in the constitution.)
- submission of subsequent annual financial reports dealing with the disbursement of said Worldcon’s profits at each year’s business meeting by the Worldcon committee, or any alternative organizational entity established to oversee and disburse those profits, until the profits are totally expended or an amount equal to the original profit has been disbursed.
Moved by: Tom Schaad

13. Membership Cut-off for Hugo Nominating
Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding the following to Article II, Section 18, sentence 1, following the words "each member of either the administering or the immediately preceding Worldcon": as of December 31 of the previous calendar year.

14. Short Title: Non-Fiction Hugo Technical Correction Amendment.
To amend Article II, Section 6 of the WSFS Constitution by adding the words "science or natural philosophy or" before the words "science fiction".
Moved by: Robert Sacks

15. Short Title: Modification of Best Professional Artist Hugo Award
Moved: Delete Article II, Section 9 and replace with the following sections:
Section 9: Best Book Cover: An illustration used as a cover on a Science Fiction or Fantasy novel, anthology, or collection.
Section 10: Best Magazine Cover: An illustration used as a cover of a professional magazine as defined in Article II, Section 8.
Section 11: Best Interior Illustration: An illustration from the interior of any Science Fiction or Fantasy novel, anthology, or collection, or a professional magazine as defined in Article II, Section 8.
Moved by: Benjamin R Schilling

16. Short Title: Split Hugo Award for Best Novel
Moved, To amend Article II, Section Two (Hugo Awards) Best Novel, to split the novel category into a) Best Science Fiction Novel and b) Best Fantasy Novel.
Moved by: C M Barkley and Richard Brandt

17. Short Title: Extending Lead Time for Site Selection and Allowing Cancellation of NASFiC
Moved: to amend Article III of the WSFS Constitution as follows:
In Section 1, change "three(3)" to "four(4)".
In Section 6, change "the then-current Worldcon" to "the Worldcon following the one at which the overseas Worldcon was selected", and add (4) "If ‘None of the Above’ shall win on the first ballot, then no NASFiC shall be held and all voting fees shall be refunded."
In Section 8, change "three(3)" to "four(4)".
Moved by: Louis Epstein

18. Short Title: Commonwealth Zone
See copies as distributed.

19. Short Title: Membership and Site Selection Fees
See copies as distributed.

20. Short Title: Hugo Preservation Study Committee
Moved: That a committee be appointed to investigate the feasibility of preserving awarded Hugos for posterity. The committee shall consist of 9 members, who shall be Bruce Pelz (Chair), one each to be appointed by the 1989-1992 Worldcons, and 4 members to be appointed by the Chair of the committee. The report shall be presented at the 1990 Worldcon.
Moved by: Bruce E Pelz



World Science Fiction Society

Main Business Meeting Agenda

Saturday, 2 September 1989

Podium Staff: Chair: Donald E Eastlake, III

Deputy Chair: Bruce E Pelz

Secretary: Kent Bloom

Timekeeper: Rick Katze

Sergeant at Arms: Theresa Renner

1. Short Title: WSFS Membership, Time Limit: 2 minutes
As printed with the Constitution.

2. Short Title: No Double Skipping of Regions, Time Limit: 15 minutes
As printed with the Constitution.

3. Short Title: Mark Registration Committee Term of Office, Time Limit: 2 minutes
As printed with the Constitution.

4.A Financial Report of the Mark Registration and Protection Committee

4.B Balloting for election to the Mark Registration and Protection Committee.

5. Report of the Special Committee to Codify Business Meeting Resolutions
See report as distributed.

6. (Handled at the Preliminary Business Meeting

7. Financial and other reports from recent and upcoming Worldcons:
Noreascon Three & ConFiction financial reports were received at the Preliminary Business Meeting. Reports from Conspiracy, Nolacon II, and Chicon V will be received at the Site Selection Meeting Sunday.

8. New Item 1, Short Title: Hugo for Outstanding Service. Time Limit: 6 minutes
MOVED, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding a new section after Fan Hugos in Article II as follows:
Outstanding Service. Any person, of small group of four people or less, whose efforts or activities in the previous calendar year materially benefited the enjoyment or appreciation of science fiction, fantasy or related subjects.
This award shall not be given for any work eligible for a literary, dramatic or artistic Hugo (Sections 2 through 13), for the contribution, granting or raising of funds, or for service as the Chair or Co-Chair of the Worldcon or NASFiC in that year. However, it may be given for work in a lesser position at the Worldcon or NASFiC.
Submitted by Robert E Sacks, Bradford Verter, R C Cantor, Marie Bartlett-Sloan, Leslie Jennermann, "Rick" Foss, Janice Foss, Kees Van Toorn, and Thom S Schaad

9. New Item 2, Short Title: Separation of the NASFiC from the WSFS Constitution.
Time Limit: 15 minutes
Whereas the presence of the North American Science Fiction Convention or NASFiC in the WSFS Constitution is a source of controversy, and
Whereas no other local, regional, national or continental convention is regulated in the WSFS Constitution,
Therefore, be it resolved,
To amend the WSFS Constitution by adding a new section to Article IV:

Upon the adoption and ratification of a separate set of governing documents for the NASFiC, all references to the North American Science Fiction Convention or NASFiC shall be removed from the WSFS Constitution and the NASFiC mark shall be transferred to the new organization. The governing documents shall be adopted by any Business Meeting for a NASFiC or Worldcon in North America, and ratified by a Business Meeting for the next NASFiC or the next Worldcon in North America.
Submitted by Robert E Sacks, Bradford Verter, Todd Dashoff, Larry Van Der Putte, Scott Dennis, Jane Dennis, Tom Coveney, Alan Rachlin, "Rick" Foss, Janice Foss, Michael Walsh, Kees Van Toorn, and Victoria A Smith.

10. New Item 3, Short Title: New Hugo Category (Ineligible Materials)
Eliminated at the Preliminary Business Meeting

11. Short Title: Advanced Program Participant Requirement
Eliminated at the Preliminary Business Meeting

12. Short Title: Additional Financial Reporting. Time Limit: 5 minutes.
Change Section 8 of Article 1 to require:
- submission of a financial report on the last year’s Worldcon profit/loss at the next year’s business meeting (vice the ‘one or two year’ language currently in the constitution.)
- submission of subsequent annual financial reports dealing with the disbursement of said Worldcon’s profits at each year’s business meeting by the Worldcon committee, or any alternative organizational entity established to oversee and disburse those profits, until the profits are totally expended or an amount equal to the original profit has been disbursed.
Moved by: Tom Schaad

13. Membership Cut-off for Hugo Nominating
Time Limit: 10 minutes
Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding the following to Article II, Section 18, sentence 1, following the words "each member of either the administering or the immediately preceding Worldcon": as of December 31 of the previous calendar year.

14. Short Title: Non-Fiction Hugo Amendment. Time Limit: 6 minutes.
To amend Article II, Section 6 of the WSFS Constitution by adding the words "science or natural philosophy or" before the words "science fiction".
Moved by: Robert Sacks

15. Short Title: Modification of Best Professional Artist Hugo Award
Time Limit: 10 minutes
Moved: Delete Article II, Section 9 and replace with the following sections:
Section 9: Best Book Cover: An illustration used as a cover on a Science Fiction or Fantasy novel, anthology, or collection.
Section 10: Best Magazine Cover: An illustration used as a cover of a professional magazine as defined in Article II, Section 8.
Section 11: Best Interior Illustration: An illustration from the interior of any Science Fiction or Fantasy novel, anthology, or collection, or a professional magazine as defined in Article II, Section 8.
Moved by: Benjamin R Schilling

16. Short Title: Split Hugo Award for Best Novel
Eliminated at the Preliminary Business Meeting

17. Short Title: Extending Lead Time for Site Selection and Allowing Cancellation of NASFiC
Time Limit: 20 minutes.
Moved: to amend Article III of the WSFS Constitution as follows:
In Section 1, change "three(3)" to "four(4)".
In Section 6, change "the then-current Worldcon" to "the Worldcon following the one at which the overseas Worldcon was selected", and add (4) "If ‘None of the Above’ shall win on the first ballot, then no NASFiC shall be held and all voting fees shall be refunded."
In Section 8, change "three(3)" to "four(4)".
The 1991 Worldcon will administer the 1994 and 1995 site selections.
Moved by: Louis Epstein

18. Short Title: Commonwealth Zone
Eliminated at the Preliminary Business Meeting

19A. Short Title: Membership and Site Selection Fees. Time Limit: 10 minutes
Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution as follows:
In Article III, Section 1, substitute "fifteen US dollars ($15.00)" for the current "twenty US dollars ($20.00)" in sentence number two (2).
In Article I, Section 5, strike the words "This fee must not exceed the minimum voting fee" at the beginning of sentence number 4 and insert in place thereof "This fee must not exceed three (3) times the voting fee"

19B. Short Title: Supporting Membership Fee Limits. Time Limit: 6 minutes
Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution as follows:
In Article I, Section 5, sentence number 6, following "…become supporting members for no more than…" strike the words "125% of the site selection fee, or such higher amount as has been approved by the Business Meeting" and insert in place thereof "the site selection fee".

20. Short Title: Hugo Preservation Study Committee
(Handled at the Preliminary Business Meeting)

World Science Fiction Society

Main & Site Selection Business Meeting Agenda

Sunday, 3 September 1989

Podium Staff: Chair: Donald E Eastlake, III

Deputy Chair: Bruce E Pelz

Secretary: Kent Bloom

Timekeeper: Rick Katze

Sergeant at Arms: Theresa Renner

0. Report on the Site Selection Balloting

4.A Financial Report of the Mark Registration and Protection Committee

4.B Report of tellers for election to the Mark Registration and Protection Committee.
See report as distributed.

7. Financial and other reports from recent and upcoming Worldcons:
Noreascon Three & ConFiction financial reports were received at the Preliminary Business Meeting. An interim report from Nolacon II was received at the Saturday Main Business Meeting. Reports from Conspiracy and Chicon V will be in order at this session.

12. Short Title: Additional Financial Reporting. (as reformatted to be passed on to ConFiction)
Replace the last sentence of Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution with:
Each Worldcon Committee shall submit an annual financial report, including a statement of income and expenses, to each WSFS Business Meeting after the Committee’s selection. Each Worldcon Committee shall submit a report on its cumulative surplus/loss at the next Business Meeting after its Worldcon. In the event of a surplus, subsequent annual financial reports regarding the disbursement of said Worldcon surpluses shall be filed at each year’s Business Meeting by the Worldcon Committee, or any alternative organizational entity established to oversee and disburse that surplus, until the surplus is totally expended or an amount equal to the original surplus has been disbursed.
Moved by: Tom Schaad

15. Short Title: Modification of Best Professional Artist Hugo Award
Time Limit: 10 minutes
Moved: Delete Article II, Section 9 and replace with the following section:
Section 9: Best Professional Science Fiction Art Work: An illustration used as a cover or interior illustration on or in a Science Fiction or Fantasy novel, anthology, or collection, or a professional magazine as defined in Article II, Section 8.
Moved by: Benjamin R Schilling

19A. Short Title: Membership and Site Selection Fees. Time Limit: 10 minutes
Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution as follows:
In Article III, Section 1, substitute "fifteen US dollars ($15.00)" for the current "twenty US dollars ($20.00)" in sentence number two (2).
In Article I, Section 5, strike the words "This fee must not exceed the minimum voting fee" at the beginning of sentence number 4 and insert in place thereof "This fee must not exceed three (3) times the voting fee"

19B. Short Title: Supporting Membership Fee Limits. Time Limit: 6 minutes
Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution as follows:
In Article I, Section 5, sentence number 6, following "…become supporting members for no more than…" strike the words "125% of the site selection fee, or such higher amount as has been approved by the Business Meeting" and insert in place thereof "the site selection fee".

21. Short Title: Study Committee on Strange Devices
Moved: to establish a study committee to investigate and list all obscure procedural devices in Robert’s Rules (latest edition) which have not been used at the WSFS Business Meetings, so that the procedural skills of the WSFS members may be as broad as possible.
Moved by: Gary Feldbaum, Larry Ruh, Stuart C Hellinger, Craig Miller, Mark L Olson, Leslie J Turek.

22. Presentations by Worldcon and NASFiC Committees
Question Time

23. Presentations by bidders for the 1993 Worldcon.

24. Adjournment sine die.


Report of tellers for election to the Mark Registration and Protection Committee

The following persons were elected to three-year terms on the WSFS Mark Registration and Protection Committee, beginning at the end of the Noreascon Three Business Meeting: Bruce Pelz, Fran Skene, and Tim Illingworth

Votes were recorded as follows:

Fran Skene








Tim Illingworth







Bruce Pelz








Martin Hoare






Craig Miller





Bruce Farr













Total (exc used-up)








Fran Skene







Tim Illingworth







Martin Hoare





Craig Miller






Bruce Farr














Total (exc used-up)







Tim Illingworth





Martin Hoare





Craig Miller




Bruce Farr












Total (exc used-up)