The World Science Fiction Society

Minutes of the Business Meeting at Denvention 3
Thursday 7th August to Saturday 9th August 2008


All meetings were held in room Korbel 2 of the Colorado Convention Centre. The head table officers were:

Chair: Donald Eastlake III
Deputy Chair & Parliamentarian: Kevin Standlee
Secretary: Pat McMurray
Timekeeper: Jared Dashoff

Videography was provided by Lisa Hayes and copying services by Gary Blog.

[Secretary: The debates in these minutes are not word for word accurate, but every attempt has been made to represent the sense of the arguments made. UK spelling is mostly used; because that's the way I spell. Names are deliberately chosen to be the informal versions. These minutes are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and recollection and are based on contemporaneous notes. Any other comments or notes I have will be marked in this fashion. Comments thus are purely informative and do not form part of the official text of these minutes.

Voting is done in a variety of ways in the course of the Business Meeting. The Mark Protection Committee members are usually elected on paper ballots, using the Australian ballot. Most voting in the course of the meeting is done by an uncounted show of hands or, less commonly, by voice vote or by acclamation. If a voice or show of hands vote appears close or if a counted vote is considered important, a numbered serpentine vote is held.]

Preliminary Business Meeting, Thursday 7th August 2008

Meeting was called to order at 10:07. Attendance as shown on the signup sheets was 80.

3. Business Passed On from Nippon 2007

Chair: We'll deal with Sections 3 and 4 first unless anyone objects. There were no objections.

3.1 Short Title: Gaughan Gone

Moved, To amend subsection 3.3.14 of the Constitution by striking the last sentence:

3.3.14: Best Fan Artist., An artist or cartoonist whose work has appeared through publication in semiprozines or fanzines or through other public display during the previous calendar year. Any person whose name appears on the final Hugo Awards ballot for a given year under the Professional Artist category shall not be eligible in the Fan Artist category for that year.

Debate time limit was set by Chair to 12 minutes.
Rick Katze: Moved to set debate time to 5 minutes.
Motion passed, debate time is set to 5 minutes.

3.2 Short Title: One-Vote Wonders

Moved, To amend section 3.11.4 of the Constitution by adding the following words to the end of Section 3.11.4: During the same period the nomination voting totals shall also be published, including in each category the vote counts for at least the fifteen highest vote-getters and any other candidate receiving a number of votes equal to at least five percent (5%) of the nomination ballots cast in that category, but not including any candidate receiving fewer than five (5) votes.

Debate time limit was set by Chair to 12 minutes.
Rick Katze: Moved to set debate time to 5 minutes.
Motion passed, debate time is set to 5 minutes.
Bill Taylor (POI) Why time limits?
Chair: Time limits are just set to try and manage our time, can be extended or reduced later.

4. New Business

4.1. Resolutions

4.1.1 Short Title: We Need Another HEROW

Moved, To continue the Hugo Eligibility for the Rest of the World (HEROW) Committee as previously charged, with a new Chair and members appointed by the Chair of the Business Meeting, and with the Chair of the HEROW Committee authorized to add additional members to the committee.

Submitted by: the HEROW Committee

Motion passed.
Chair: Will appoint names later. Those who wish to volunteer should notify the chair.

4.1.2 Short Title: This Year's Model

Moved, To extend eligibility for all works that are allowed by a resolution under the following sections of the WSFS Constitution:

3.2.3: The Business Meeting may by a 3/4 vote provide that works originally published outside the United States of America and first published in the United States of America in the current year shall also be eligible for Hugo Awards given in the following year.

3.2.4: A work shall not be eligible if in a prior year it received sufficient nominations to appear on the final award ballot.

This motion extends eligibility for the Hugo Award; therefore, it requires a 3/4 vote.

Submitted by: the HEROW Committee

Robert Klein (PoI): Can items appear on the Hugo ballot two years in succession?
Chair: No, this only provides two opportunities to be nominated.
Rene Walling (PoI): What about items published in the US after the Business Meeting?
Chair: Yes, applies to those as well. This motion tries to be broad.
Alexis Leyton: Why do we do this every year?
Kevin Standlee: One year we didn't pass it; this annual discussion is deliberate design by the HEROW Committee.

Motion passed by more than 3/4 majority.

4.2. Standing Rules Amendments

Moved, to amend the Standing Rules for the purpose of codifying the recording and distribution of recordings of WSFS meetings by adding words as follows:

1. Add the following after existing Rule 1.5:

Rule 1.6: Recording of Sessions: The Presiding Officer may arrange for the recording of meetings in any medium and for the distribution of such recordings. Individual members may also record meetings at their own discretion, subject to the will of the assembly as authorized by rule 5.9.

2. Add the following rule after existing Rule 5.8:

Rule 5.9: Start/Stop Recording: If the meeting is being recorded, a motion to Stop Recording or to Start Recording is a privileged motion and shall be handled in the same way as a motion to Enter or Leave Executive Session.

Submitted by: The Nitpicking & Flyspecking Committee

Perianne Lurie: Would there be any restrictions on distribution of such a recording?
Chair: No.
John Pomeranz: Meeting could ask someone to stop recording.
Mark Olson: Is "Stop Recording" a simple majority vote?
Chair: Yes.
Jack Foy: Who owns copyright?
Chair: Individuals own their own copyright, otherwise the committee.
John Pomeranz (correcting Chair): Actually, that's very complicated and depends on the jurisdiction in which the recording is made.
Todd Dashoff: Does a motion to stop recording apply to just a single session or to all sessions at a Worldcon?
Chair: Motion applies to only a single session unless the motion states otherwise.

Motion passed.

4.3. Constitutional Amendments

4.3.1 Short Title: Marking Peter Weston's Contribution

Moved, to amend section 3.5 of the WSFS Constitution to reflect the contribution of Peter Weston in refining the current design of the Hugo Award trophy while continuing to recognize the efforts of the original designers, by adding words as follows:

Section 3.5: Name and Design. The Hugo Award shall continue to be standardized on the rocket ship design of Jack McKnight and Ben Jason as refined by Peter Weston. Each Worldcon Committee may select its own choice of base design. The name (Hugo Award) and the design shall not be extended to any other award.

Submitted by: The Mark Protection Committee

Debate time was set at five minutes.

4.3.2 Short title: Making the Web Eligible

Moved: To amend Sec 3.3 to clarify the eligibility of works published in electronic or other non-print forms by striking out and adding words as follows:

Amend 3.3.5 as follows:

3.3.5: Best Related Book Work. Any work whose subject is related to the field of science fiction, fantasy, or fandom, either appearing for the first time in book form during the previous calendar year or, if not appearing in book form, which has been substantially modified during the previous calendar year, and which is either non-fiction or, if fictional, is noteworthy primarily for aspects other than the fictional text.

Amend 3.3.8 as follows:

3.3.8: Best Editor Short Form. The editor of either at least four (4) anthologies, collections or magazine issues primarily devoted to science fiction and / or fantasy, at least one of which was published in the previous calendar year, or at least 40 works shorter than novel length, of which 10 have appeared in the previous year.

Amend 3.3.11 as follows:

3.3.11: Best Semiprozine. Any generally available non-professional publication devoted to science fiction or fantasy which by the close of the previous calendar year has either published four (4) or more issues, at least one (1) of which appeared in the previous calendar year or, if appearing in other than a form with issues, has been available in at least two years, and substantially modified in the previous calendar year, and which in the previous calendar year met at least two (2) of the following criteria:
(1) had an average press run of at least one thousand (1000) copies per issue,
(2) paid its contributors and/or staff in other than copies of the publication,
(3) provided at least half the income of any one person,
(4) had at least fifteen percent (15%) of its total space occupied by advertising,
(5) announced itself to be a semiprozine.

Amend 3.3.12 as follows:

3.3.12: Best Fanzine. Any generally available non-professional publication devoted to science fiction, fantasy, or related subjects which by the close of the previous calendar year has either published four (4) or more issues, at least one (1) of which appeared in the previous calendar year or, if appearing in other than a form with issues, has been available in at least two years, and substantially modified in the previous calendar year, and which does not qualify as a semiprozine.

Submitted by the Taming the Digital Wilderness Committee

Debate time was set at twenty minutes.

Winton Matthews (PoI): The same work could be nominated more than once over time.
Glenn Glazer (Chair of TDW Committee): That wasn't our interpretation.
Susan deGuardiola: As a committee member, our intent was to leave it to fandom to decide if substantial change had taken place.
Mark Olson: Language is too complicated to deal with now.
Mark Olson: Moved to refer it to committee to report back tomorrow.

Glenn Glazer (Against referral): We did a lot of work in our committee. I don't think we need another committee to look at it.
Colin Harris (For referral): We appreciate the hard work, but we would like to take a closer look at this.
Adina Adler (Parliamentary Inquiry): Could 3.3.5 be split from the rest of it?
Chair: Not in order right now to divide the question.
Alex von Thorn: Could I move to amend motion to refer motion to committee?
Kevin Standlee: Let the committee deal with it, they can look at the hard part and ignore the rest if they choose.
Motion to refer to committee to report tomorrow passed.

Chair: Will appoint chair and committee after this meeting. Those who wish to volunteer should inform the Chair.

4.3.3 Short Title: One Fewer Award

Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution for the purpose of eliminating the Best Semiprozine category while preventing works that currently qualify as semiprozines from competing in the Best Fanzine category by striking out and adding words as follows:

1. Strike out subsection 3.3.11, Best Semiprozine:

3.3.11: Best Semiprozine. Any generally available non-professional publication devoted to science fiction or fantasy which by the close of the previous calendar year has published four (4) or more issues, at least one (1) of which appeared in the previous calendar year, and which in the previous calendar year met at least two (2) of the following criteria:
(1) had an average press run of at least one thousand (1000) copies per issue,
(2) paid its contributors and/or staff in other than copies of the publication,
(3) provided at least half the income of any one person,
(4) had at least fifteen percent (15%) of its total space occupied by advertising,
(5) announced itself to be a semiprozine.

2. Amend subsection 3.3.12 to include a definition of works formerly considered semiprozines, making them ineligible for Best Fanzine:

3.3.12: Best Fanzine. Any generally available non-professional publication devoted to science fiction, fantasy, or related subjects which by the close of the previous calendar year has published four (4) or more issues, at least one (1) of which appeared in the previous calendar year, and which does not qualify as a semiprozine meet at least two (2) of the following of the following criteria:
(1) had an average press run of at least one thousand (1000) copies per issue,
(2) paid its contributors and/or staff in other than copies of the publication,
(3) provided at least half the income of any one person,
(4) had at least fifteen percent (15%) of its total space occupied by advertising.

3. Strike out references to semiprozine in sections 3.3.13 and 3.3.14:

3.3.13: Best Fan Writer. Any person whose writing has appeared in semiprozines or fanzines or in generally available electronic media during the previous calendar year.

3.3.14: Best Fan Artist. An artist or cartoonist whose work has appeared through publication in semiprozines or fanzines or through other public display during the previous calendar year. Any person whose name appears on the final Hugo Awards ballot for a given year under the Professional Artist category shall not be eligible in the Fan Artist category for that year.

Submitted by: Chris Barkley, Ben Yalow

Debate time was set at twenty minutes.

Don Timm: Object to consideration.
Failed for lack of a second.

Jared Dashoff: Moved to refer to committee to report back tomorrow
Jared Dashoff (For referral): This makes it much harder for artists to qualify and there are other wording ambiguities.

Dave McCarthy: Clearly states "other public displays".
Craig Miller (Inqury): Could we make amendments to make changes to this discussion? [Inquiry not addressed by Chair.]
Mark Olson: Changes in semiprozine criteria means that some semiprozines might qualify as fanzines. Language is ambiguous.
Ben Yalow: Think we could solve this by amending to "meets no more than one." So I'm against referring.
Alexis Leyton: There's more than one problem to discuss.

Motion to refer to committee passed.

Chair: Hearing no objection, will unify these two committees we have created to report into one committee to report back tomorrow.

Chair: Apologies for omitting item 4.3.4 from the agenda. It will be in tomorrow's agenda and we can handle it then.
Leslie Turek: Move to refer item 4.3.4 to a committee.
Chair: Motion to refer to a committee is out of order as the purported main motion has not been read and is not before the body.
Many: Want to hear the motion.

4.3.4 Short title: Best Graphic Novel

Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding the following:

3.3.X: Best Graphic Novel: A science fiction or fantasy story told in graphic form, of at least sixty-four (64) pages in length, published in book form or as a series of consecutive, continuous issues through an online medium as a complete story. Eligible works for nomination are to be any publication devoted to graphic science fiction or fantasy themes, whose story lines end and are published or distributed by the end calendar year.

Moved by Chris M Barclay and Steve Barber

[Secretary: This motion had been omitted from the printed agenda in error and was read out by the Secretary. Apologies to Chris Barclay and Steve Barber for the omission.]
Debate time was set at twenty minutes.

Ben Yalow: Moved to refer this to a committee to discuss wording. Seconded.

Ben Yalow: Move to amend motion to refer to provide that this should be a completely separate, disjoint committee from the earlier one created.

Mark Olson: I want to be on both.
Colin Harris: Material is not separate.
Motion to amend the motion to refer fails.

Howard Rosenblatt: Move to amend the motion to refer to a separate possibly overlapping committee.

Motion to call the question on all pending motions made and seconded; passed by more than 2/3rds.

Motion to amend the motion to refer to a separate but possibly overlapping committee passed.

Motion to refer, as amended, passed.

Motion to amend debate time to 25 minutes fails.

A five-minute recess was called at this point. After the recess, the meeting returned to the start of the agenda.

1.1. Mark Protection Committee (Including Nominations for MPC)

Report was presented by Kevin Standlee and is attached to these minutes. Additionally, Kevin Standlee reported that a Worldcon Website Task Force had been appointed, headed by Grant Kruger.

Glenn Glazer: Move to commend MPC for that action.
Hearing no objection, MPC was commended.

Nominations for MPC members:
The incumbents were nominated without objection.
Craig Miller nominated Linda Deneroff.
Ruth Sachter nominated Warren Buff.
Kevin Standlee nominated Mark Olson.

Nominees have until one hour after the close of this meeting to submit written acceptance and an indication of which representation zone they live. The election will be held at tomorrow's Main Business Meeting.

1.2. Nitpicking & Flyspecking Committee

Report was presented by Kevin Standlee and is attached to these minutes.
Kevin Standlee: The Committee asks unanimous consent that the Committee be continued as currently constituted.
Chair: Hearing no objection, the NP&FS Committee is continued as currently constituted.

Mark Olson: Moved that the Nitpicking & Flyspecking Committee be authorised to appoint additional members by majority vote.
Passed without objection.

1.3. Worldcon Runners' Guide Editorial Committee

Bill Taylor reported that the conversion from HTML to wiki mark-up was going well. However the committee have a major challenge in that the current 2002 document is copyrighted to WSFS and he is concerned about copyright status of amendments to the wiki. He would much prefer it to be released under Creative Commons.

John Pomeranz: Understood we are free to use the software to amend our copyrighted material.
Bill Taylor: Yes, but that's not the problem. Concern is about copyright on the changes.
Don Timm: Adding an appropriate banner to the wiki might solve the copyright issue.
Colin Harris: Move to submit WCRG to Creative Commons. Not seconded.

Leslie Turek: We don't have to be explicit; we just need to give guidance to committee.
The Chair suggested that this should appear as an agenda item tomorrow and in the mean time people should informally produce an appropriate written motion.
Decided to discuss this further tomorrow.

1.4. Hugo Eligibility Rest of the World (HEROW) Committee

Report was presented by Kevin Standlee and is attached to these minutes.
The Committee is making a motion as 4.1.1, without recommendation.

Chair: Hearing no objection, the HEROW Committee is continued with new members to be appointed later this weekend. Those persons wishing to serve on the committee should submit their names to the Chair.

1.5. Formalization of Long List Entries (FOLLE) Committee

Report was received and is attached to these minutes, with the agenda.
Chair: Hearing no objection, the FOLLE Committee is continued as currently constituted.

1.6. The Taming the Digital Wilderness Committee

The committee reported a final motion and is not continuing.
Motion to thank members of this committee passed unanimously.

1.7 Hugo Awards Marketing Committee (HAMC)

The MPC last night reappointed this committee, with Kevin Standlee as new chair, and the addition of Mike Glyer and Grant Kruger. Motion to commend this committee for its. work passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 11:25. All other business is postponed until tomorrow.

Main Business Meeting, Friday 8th August 2008

Meeting was called to order at 10:05. Attendance as shown on the signup sheets was 91.

Dave Ratti: Request that Item 4.3.3 be considered before 4.3.2.
Chair: Hearing no objection, the agenda is so amended.

1. Committee Reports

1.1. Mark Protection Committee (Including Nominations for MPC)

The Chair appointed Rick Katze and Leslie Turek as tellers to hand out the ballots and count them.

1.3. Worldcon Runners' Guide Editorial Committee

Without objection, this item was postponed until tomorrow.

3. Business Passed On from Nippon 2007

3.1 Short Title: Gaughan Gone

Moved, To amend subsection 3.3.14 of the Constitution by striking the last sentence:

3.3.14: Best Fan Artist. An artist or cartoonist whose work has appeared through publication in semiprozines or fanzines or through other public display during the previous calendar year. Any person whose name appears on the final Hugo Awards ballot for a given year under the Professional Artist category shall not be eligible in the Fan Artist category for that year.

Ben Yalow (F): Everywhere else in the Constitution we make no distinction between work done by fans and pros.
Motion passed. This constitutional amendment is ratified and becomes part of the constitution at the conclusion of Denvention 3.

3.2 Short Title: One-Vote Wonders

Moved, To amend section 3.11.4 of the Constitution by adding the following words to the end of Section 3.11.4: During the same period the nomination voting totals shall also be published, including in each category the vote counts for at least the fifteen highest vote-getters and any other candidate receiving a number of votes equal to at least five percent (5%) of the nomination ballots cast in that category, but not including any candidate receiving fewer than five (5) votes.

Alexis Leyton (PoI): Does final clause apply to both parts.
Chair: Yes
Seth Breidbart (PoI): Does this prohibit or not make mandatory?
Chair: Makes the publication of candidates receiving fewer than five votes not mandatory, but does not prohibit it.
Motion passed. This constitutional amendment is ratified and becomes part of the constitution at the conclusion of Denvention 3.

4.3. Constitutional Amendments

4.3.1 Short Title: Marking Peter Weston's Contribution

Moved, to amend section 3.5 of the WSFS Constitution to reflect the contribution of Peter Weston in refining the current design of the Hugo Award trophy while continuing to recognize the efforts of the original designers, by adding words as follows:

Section 3.5: Name and Design. The Hugo Award shall continue to be standardized on the rocket ship design of Jack McKnight and Ben Jason as refined by Peter Weston. Each Worldcon Committee may select its own choice of base design. The name (Hugo Award) and the design shall not be extended to any other award

This constitutional amendment passed unanimously. It will be forwarded to Anticipation for ratification.

4.3.3 Short Title: One Fewer Award

The ad hoc committee established yesterday to review the wording of this proposal reported the following motion:

Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution for the purpose of eliminating the Best Semiprozine category while preventing works that currently qualify as semiprozines from competing in the Best Fanzine category by striking out and adding words as follows:

1. Strike out subsection 3.3.11, Best Semiprozine:

3.3.11: Best Semiprozine. Any generally available non-professional publication devoted to science fiction or fantasy which by the close of the previous calendar year has published four (4) or more issues, at least one (1) of which appeared in the previous calendar year, and which in the previous calendar year met at least two (2) of the following criteria:
(1) had an average press run of at least one thousand (1000) copies per issue,
(2) paid its contributors and/or staff in other than copies of the publication,
(3) provided at least half the income of any one person,
(4) had at least fifteen percent (15%) of its total space occupied by advertising,
(5) announced itself to be a semiprozine.

2. Amend subsection 3.3.12 to include a definition of works formerly considered semiprozines, making them ineligible for Best Fanzine:

3.3.12: Best Fanzine. Any generally available non-professional publication devoted to science fiction, fantasy, or related subjects which by the close of the previous calendar year has published four (4) or more issues, at least one (1) of which appeared in the previous calendar year, and which does not qualify as a semiprozine meets no more than one (1) of the following criteria:
(1) had an average press run of at least one thousand (1000) copies per issue,
(2) paid its contributors and/or staff in other than copies of the publication,
(3) provided at least half the income of any one person,
(4) had at least fifteen percent (15%) of its total space occupied by Advertising
(5) declares itself to be not eligible in this category.

3. Strike out references to semiprozine in sections 3.3.13 and 3.3.14:

3.3.13: Best Fan Writer. Any person whose writing has appeared in semiprozines or fanzines or in generally available electronic media during the previous calendar year.

3.3.14: Best Fan Artist. An artist or cartoonist whose work has appeared through publication in semiprozines or fanzines or through other public display during the previous calendar year.

Todd Dashoff (Inquiry): Could we clarify on sentence 5 in Section 3.3.12.
Dennis Caswell: Move to delete line 5 of 3.3.12.
John Pomeranz: Line 5 was deemed by committee to be not very useful, but not harmful. People might choose to remove themselves from the fanzine category by declaration, rather than revealing payments, circulations etc.
Glenn Glazer (A): I think grammar is complex more than anything else.
Mark Olson (F): We wanted to maintain parallels with existing language which is generally understood.
Linda Deneroff (A): Bad grammar.
Susan deGuardiola foreshadowed a possible amendment on approximately the same subject as this amendment.
Motion to delete item 5 failed.

Susan deGuardiola: Move to delete item 5 and add a new sentence following the enumerated list: "Any publication may declare itself ineligible for this category, for a particular year."

Janice Gelb (Inquiry): Is this allowed in any other category?
Chair: No, in other candidates a nominee may withdraw but not declare themselves ineligible.
Jack Foy (F): On behalf of the committee that drafted this, this change appears to reflect the spirit of what we intended.
John Pomeranz (A): Don't think it's necessary to delete item 5.

Amendment striking item 5 and adding a new sentence passed on a vote by show of hands. The debate returned to the substantive issue of eliminating the Semiprozine category.

Ben Yalow (F): Reason we have categories is that we like to honour work. Locus has done a marvelous job. But we like to have categories where it's an honour to be nominated. We don't seem to have any nominees for this category apart from the five who get nominated each year. It's a weak category. And the editor would continue to be eligible as editor.
Cheryl Morgan (A): Disagree strongly. Think there are more than 20 eligible nominees; people aren't looking enough.
Richard Lynch (F): Work is covered by other categories.
Don Timm (A): This appears to be acting on personality, not philosophy.
John Pomeranz (F): It is possible to be in favour of this change for good faith substantive reasons.
Mark Olson (A): Think the change to include web-based candidates will increase pool of potential nominees.
Alex van Thorn (F): If this category didn't exist, we wouldn't invent it.
Seth Breidbart (F): Fifth best prozine is not as strong as fifth best short story.

This constitutional amendment passed on a rising "serpentine" vote, 40 to 28. It will be forwarded to Anticipation for ratification.

1.1. Mark Protection Committee (Including Nominations for MPC)

Results of election were announced - Stephen Boucher, Mark Olson and Linda Deneroff were declared elected in that order. Detailed results of the election will be attached to the minutes.

4.3.2 Short title: Making the Web Eligible

The ad hoc committee established yesterday to review the wording of this proposal reported the following motion:

Moved: To amend Sec 3.3 to clarify the eligibility of works published in electronic or other non-print forms by striking out and adding words as follows:

Amend 3.3.5 as follows:

3.3.5: Best Related Book Work. Any work whose subject is related to the field of science fiction, fantasy, or fandom, appearing for the first time in book form during the previous calendar year or which has been substantially modified during the previous calendar year, and which is either non-fiction or, if fictional, is noteworthy primarily for aspects other than the fictional text, and which is not eligible in any other category.

Amend 3.3.8 as follows:

3.3.8: Best Editor Short Form. The editor of at least four (4) anthologies, collections or magazine issues (or their equivalent in other media) primarily devoted to science fiction and / or fantasy, at least one of which was published in the previous calendar year.

Amend 3.3.11 as follows:

3.3.11: Best Semiprozine. Any generally available non-professional publication devoted to science fiction or fantasy which by the close of the previous calendar year has published four (4) or more issues (or the equivalent in other media), at least one (1) of which appeared in the previous calendar year and which in the previous calendar year met at least two (2) of the following criteria:
(1) had an average press run of at least one thousand (1000) copies per issue,
(2) paid its contributors and/or staff in other than copies of the publication,
(3) provided at least half the income of any one person,
(4) had at least fifteen percent (15%) of its total space occupied by advertising,
(5) announced itself to be a semiprozine.

Amend 3.3.12 as follows:

3.3.12: Best Fanzine. Any generally available non-professional publication devoted to science fiction, fantasy, or related subjects which by the close of the previous calendar year has published four (4) or more issues (or the equivalent in other media), at least one (1) of which appeared in the previous calendar year, and which does not qualify as a semiprozine.

Chair: "One Fewer Award" would override "Making the Web Eligible" with regard to the deletion of the semiprozine Hugo category.
Ben Yalow (F): We've decided work is work, whatever the medium. This is just amending the categories to make it clear content is key, not the medium.
Perianne Lurie (A): Nightmare for administrators.
Mark Olson (F): As simple as we could make it.
Matthew Winton (A): Much broader than intent.
Chair: Noted that the Standing Rule about numbers and titles not being key to the sense of the text applies here.
David Ratti (A): By striking "in book form" we are broadening reach of work.
Glenn Glazer (F): Not eligible in any other category.
Susan deGuardiola (F): If a painting did win this category then fair enough. Masquerade entries aren't eligible cause they're covered by the Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form.
Jack Foy (A): Documentaries would fit.
Perianne Lurie (F): No, they're covered by Best Dramatic Presentation.
Alex VonThorn (A): This widens scope of Hugos.
Rene Walling (F): Any piece of work in a book cover is eligible and has appeared "in book form."
Cheryl Morgan: Removing technicalities to allow wider range of works to be eligible.
Warren Buff (PoI): Would blogs could go in 3.3.5 or best fanzine.
Chair: That's down to the administrator.
Jared Dashoff: Moved to call the question.
Motion to call the question passed (>2/3 vote).

This constitutional amendment passed on a vote by show of hands. It will be forwarded to Anticipation for ratification.

Lynn Anderson: Could we have the numbers on the MPC election?
Chair: Will include in tomorrow's agenda.

4.3.4 Short title: Best Graphic Novel

The ad hoc committee established yesterday to review the wording of this proposal reported the following motion:

Moved, to amend the WSFS Constitution by adding the following:

3.3.X: Best Graphic Story. Any science fiction or fantasy story told in graphic form appearing for the first time in the previous calendar year.

Chris Barclay: This is a logical step for the Hugos and long overdue.
Todd Dashoff: Move to strike out "calendar year, etc"
Chair: This is already covered by general provisions within the rules. [Amendment failed for lack of a second; however, it appears that everything from "appearing for" onward in this motion is redundant, as section 3.2.1 already specifies that Hugo Awards are for work appearing in the previous calendar year.]

Rick Katze (Parliamentary Inquiry): When can we request that Anticipation try this out as a change? [Answer: Either propose such a change as an amendment by substitution, or wait until after this constitutional amendment is resolved and introduce it as a separate proposal.]
Richard Lynch (A): This would make individual cartoons ineligible.
Mark Olson (F): Again this is a balancing act, votes are not likely to include individual cartoons, and if they do, they do.
Gary Blog (F): What about issues, trade paperbacks, etc?
Chair: That's up to the Hugo administrators.
Priscilla Olson (F): Story as opposed to work. Fits well with things we have given awards to in the past.
Ben Yalow (A) Very meritorious works are covered by Best Related Book; don't think we need the extra Hugo.
Colin Harris (F): If field grows, it should be given its own award. The committee went for a simple solution, we should trust voter.
Mark Olson (A): Don't know enough about comics, would like to see a good trial.
Mark Olson moved to postpone for a year, withdrew the motion before it was placed before the meeting.
Rene Walling (PoI): Anticipation would be happy to do a trial, but we want the Business Meeting to define it.

Mark Olson: Move to amend by substitution:.

Resolved, that the WSFS Business Meeting requests that Anticipation use its authority to create an additional one time category for Best Graphic Novel using wording as follows "Any science fiction or fantasy story told in graphic form appearing for the first time in the previous calendar year."

Michael Nelson: Release of Hugo nomination data.
Chair: Business Meeting has no authority on that.
Joni Dashoff: "Form" is unclear.
Alexis Leyton: This pre-empts special Hugo award.
Chair: Will leave Anticipation free to decide as they see fit.
Perianne Lurie (A): Opposed to substitution because it will delay decision by at least three years. Prefer to pass amendment now.
Colin Harris (Inquiry): Could we ask Anticipation and pass motion as originally intended?
Chair: Yes, if motion to substitute was defeated.

Garry Glazer: Move to divide.
Chair: Not in order because you are trying to divide an amendment from the main motion but would be in order to move to suspect the rules and so divide the question.
Motion was so modified and then seconded.

John Pomeranz (Inquiry): Are we voting by 2/3 to separate the request to Anticipation and the constitutional amendment?
Chair: Yes.

Rules were suspended by 2/3rds and the amendment by substitution and main motion were split into two separate motions.

Motion on Amendment to Constitution
John Pomeranz (F): Concern about quality and needing to test is invalid. There are many many works that would be worthy of this nomination.
Ben Yalow (A) In general I agree this should be a good category, let's prove it one way or another. Could re-introduce the motion next year.
Shari Curtis (F): Data point is how many nominations so we'd have that data point for next year.
Stephen Boucher (A): Let's see if there's a valid need for it.
Bobbie duFault (F): Manga is a good example of this. Would encourage interest in young people in this organisation and event.
Mark Olson (A): If you believe that you have nothing to fear.
John Pomeranz (F): Support trial, but see no need to delay passage for a year.

Bill Taylor: Move to amend by adding a new section "In the first year of existence, 2010, the work for the year 2007 and 2008 would also be valid."
This motion was not seconded.
Steve Cooper (F): One year's data point might not be enough. What about a sunset clause in 2012?
Steve Cooper: Move to amend by adding "Provided that this section shall be repealed unless ratified by the 2012 Business Meeting."

Elspeth Kovar (For amendment): Put it in, see if it works.
Ben Yalow (Against amendment): Would propose that 2012 and 2013 vote to continue, but an amendment is not in order.
Jared Dashoff: Motion to call the question on the immediately pending amendment. [Passed >2/3]

Motion to amend passed 37 to 23. The question is now on the proposed constitutional amendment with a provision requiring re-ratification in 2012.

Chair: This needs to be ratified in 2012, so if not brought up for ratification in that year will only be valid in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Ben Yalow: Move to extend debate by 3 minutes. [Failed]

Chair Ruling: Removing this proviso next year would make the constitutional amendment be a greater change so that further ratification in two years would be required.

This constitutional amendment, including the provision requiring re-ratification in 2012, passed on an uncounted rising vote. It will be forwarded to Anticipation for ratification.

Resolution on request to Anticipation
Chair: Debate time is ten minutes.
Resolution to make request to Anticipation passed.

Mark Olson: Move same request to winner of 2010 bid.

Seth Breidbart: Move to make this conditional on failure of constitutional amendment, not seconded.

Question was called. (>2/3 vote)
Motion to make same request to winner of 2010 bid passed.

Colin Harris (Inquiry): Why would such a trial be in order? [No answer; however, requests of this nature are not binding on Worldcon committees in any event.]

Without objection, the meeting recessed at 12:05 and reconvened at 12:11.

2. Worldcon Reports

2.1 Past Worldcons & NASFiC

2.1.1. ConAdian (1994)

Final report is attached to Preliminary Meeting Agenda.

2.1.2. The Millennium Philcon (2001)

Report is attached to Site Selection Meeting Agenda.
Todd Dashoff: Hope to produce final report in year or so.

2.1.3 CascadiaCon (2005)

Final report is attached to Preliminary Meeting Agenda.
CascadiaCon were commended by the Business Meeting for their prompt final report.

2.1.4 L.A. con IV (2006)

Report is attached to Preliminary Meeting Agenda.

2.1.5 Nippon 2007

Report is attached to Preliminary Meeting Agenda.
Secretary apologized for poor formatting and asked for any future reports to be sent direct to him.
Nippon 2007 were advised that as they were approximately 3.6 million yen in deficit (approximately US$33,000) they were not required to submit further reports, but were welcome to do so.
Nippon 2007 advised that they planned to continue to submit reports until their books were closed.

2.1.6 Archon 31, the 9th NASFiC (2007)

Report was not received before agenda was closed.

2.2. Seated Worldcons

2.2.1 Denvention 3 (2008)

Report is attached to Site Selection Meeting Agenda.

2.2.2 Anticipation (2009)

Report is attached to Preliminary Meeting Agenda.

Meeting adjourned at 12:22.

Site Selection Business Meeting, Saturday 9th August 2008

Meeting was called to order at 10:07. Attendance as shown on the signup sheets was 94.

The meeting would like to thank Angela Gradillas at the Las Vegas table for sharing her birthday cake with members of the meeting, and wish her many happy returns.

5. Site Selection Business

These items form a special order of business during this Site Selection meeting.

5.1. Report of the 2010 Site Selection & presentation by Winners

Kim Williams presented the results of the 2010 Site Selection, which took 34 minutes to count.
Copy of results is attached
Australia in 2010 were declared the winners with 658 out of 826 ballots in total.

Robert Klein: Move to destroy ballots.
Chair: Hearing no objection, ballots are ordered destroyed. Unanimous consent to thank CostumeCon 26 and the UnConventional Foundation for supplying the ballot box.

Perry Middlemiss and Rose Mitchell: The convention will be called Aussiecon 4. On behalf of Victorian Science Fiction Conventions, we want to accept the invitation to host the Worldcon and we have a number of thank yous:

WSFS for Site Selection
Voters, presupporters and Friends
Party organiser, especially and particularly David Evans
Melbourne Visitors and Convention Bureau
Board of VSFC and bid committee members.
People of Xerps who did such a fantastic job.

Guests will be Kim Stanley Robinson, Robin Johnson and Shaun Tan. Co-Chairs will be Perry Middlemiss and Rose Mitchell.
Perianne Lurie: Conversion desk?
Perry Middlemiss: Will be open at midday today.
Rose: And you can get these shirts from Fo.Paws.
Robin Johnson: Name of hotel attached to convention centre?
Perry Middlemiss: Hilton. The website should be up in 4 or 5 hours.

5.2. Question time for the seated Worldcon

5.2.1. Anticipation (2009)

Rene Walling: Want to congratulate the Aussies.
Robert Klein: Will it be bilingual?
Rene Walling: Yes, though majority may be in English. We want to have at least one French program item whenever there are multiple tracks of programming.
Rick Katze: Huckster and dealers arrangements.
Rene Walling: We're making "border to show" arrangements, which allows paperwork to be dealt with at the convention centre.
Rene Walling: Hotels. Party hotel is Delta, about 500 rooms. We also have a contract with Hyatt.
Perianne Lurie: When will hotel reservations open?
Rene Walling: Housing service will start in January 2009. PR3 in late December will include info and info will be on website.
Ben Yalow: Will there be a delay between announcement and service opening to give everyone an equal chance?
Rene Walling: Yes. Rates are C$149 for the Delta, C$169 for the Hyatt.
Kevin Standlee: Tax refund system?
Rene Walling: GST is refundable, not sure about provincial sales tax.

5.3. Presentations by future Worldcon bids

No objection to suggestion that 2010 NASFiC bids present first.

5.3.2. Presentation by bidders for NASFiC 2010, if required.

Warren Buff: Raleigh NC plans to bid for 2010 NASFiC. Just finished construction on a new convention centre, and new Marriott hotel. Next door is Sheraton, regularly used for SF conventions, we'll use all three facilities. Dates are August 5th to 8th, 2010. I will be Co-Chair with Michael Pederson, Treasurer is Tony Rogero, Secretary is Chris Hensley, others include Tim Miller, Don Caldwell, Chris Garcia, Kerry Lockhart, Crystal Richie. We want to get the South involved again in national fandom.
Rick Katze: Website?
Warren Buff: Going up today.

Chair: Vote will be held next year, with voting supervised by Anticipation.

5.3.1. Presentation by bidders for 2011

Patty Wells representing Reno in 2011. August 7th -11th, Reno Nevada. 3 representatives here from our two hotels and the visitors bureau. So we've seen what we're like and I'm afraid we would "not be the least normal group." 24 hour cheap buffet, good local restaurants, free parking, convention centre is smoke-free. Lots of tech stuff to play with. Committee is combination of local folks and experienced from out-of-town.
Rick Katze: Room rates?
Patty Wells: Best answers in September.

Bobbie duFault representing Seattle in 2011. 50th anniversary of previous Seattle Worldcon; would be held in downtown Seattle August 31 - September 4th. SF museum nearby, farmer's market, waterfront, all within walking distance. Strong local fanbase, wealth of experience and character. Room rates are currently $139, will have final rates soon. Sheraton is main hotel, right across the road from the Convention Centre.

5.3.2. Presentation by bidders for years after 2011

Dave McCarty representing Chicago in 2012 launch. We will have fun, but no more hotdogs.. Home of fabulous classic pulp publishers, so we're going to use that as our party theme. We have proposals from several places, including Hyatt Regency, but no decision yet, so dates are still open. Hope to announce by Smofcon in December on dates and hotels.
We're going to be running a fiscally responsible bid, spending no more than $25K. We're taking $20 donations, not for presupporters. Friends memberships will be cheapest wat to buy membership. Think this is the best way to run a bid.
Facilities team will be Dave McCarty, Deanna Krause and Raymond Cyrus.
In response to a question: If we don't win, the Friends amount will be placed in escrow for a future Chicago Worldcon bid. It's too early to think about losing!

Petra Bulic representing Croatia bid for 2013. We thought it was wiser to stick to a later year. I am the Chairman of the bid committee and president of Zagreb SF committee and ongoing Croatian SF convention., which runs to about 1,000 people a year, so we have a large pool of talent. For facilities we have a large new convention centre, local hotels include the Sheraton, Regency, Westin, Best Western.
Leslie Turek: English language?
Petra Bulic: Most programming will be in English.
Perianne Lurie: What about presupports?
Petra Bulic: Website will be up soon.
??: Worldcon or Eurocon experience?
Petra Bulic: Eurocon in 1986, good regional support with other fandoms.

Stephen Cooper representing a European Bid for 2014/2015. A group of UK, Dutch, German and Scandinavian fans, planning a bid in Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Amsterdam or The Hague.
??: Are any of those within 500 miles or 800kms of Zagreb?
Stephen Cooper: Not sure.
[Secretary: It's about 650 miles. None of the suggested sites are within the exclusion radius of Zagreb.]
Gary Blog: When will you launch the formal bid?
Stephen Cooper: At the Eastercon before Aussiecon 4.

Meeting recessed at 11:01 until 11:06.

Meeting reconvened and then recessed immediately for a further ten minutes for the Worldcon Chairs. photo opportunity.

Meeting reconvened at 11:18.

1. Committee Reports

1.3. Worldcon Runners' Guide Editorial Committee

The Worldcon Runners. Guide Editorial Committee members are Bill Taylor (Chair), Sharon Sbarsky and any others appointed by the Chair of the committee.

Mark Olson: Resolved that WSFS grants permission to the Worldcon Runners. Guide Editorial Committee to make non-exclusive use of the existing committee materials in its ongoing work.
Motion passed unanimously.

2. Worldcon Reports

2.1 Past Worldcons & NASFiC

2.1.2. The Millennium Philcon (2001)

Report is attached.
Todd Dashoff: Will make recommendations as to the disposition of funds, but am no longer in charge.

2.1.6 Archon 31, the 9th NASFiC (2007)

Report was not received before agenda was closed.

2.2. Seated Worldcons

2.2.1 Denvention 3 (2008)

Report is attached.
CH (??): Membership numbers?
Kent Bloom. 3239 full attending members on site, 211 day members, 107 children, approximately 650 supporters.

6. Adjournment

Appointments to HEROW committee are Vince Docherty (Chair), Todd Dashoff, Perianne Lurie, Paul Haggerty, Gayle Surette, Ben Yalow, Kevin Standlee, Cheryl Morgan, Mark Olson, with the power to co-opt additional members.

MPC will meet tomorrow at 1PM in Korbel.

Vote of thanks was made by the meeting to the podium staff.

6.1. Adjournment Sine Die

Meeting adjourned sine die at 11:24

Appendix: Site Selection Results 2010

Appendix: Mark Protection Committee Results

Pat McMurray, Secretary
2008 WSFS Business Meeting

"World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC", "Hugo Award", and the distinctive design of the Hugo Award Rocket are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society. You can contact the WSFS Mark Protection Committee at <>.

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